New San Francisco Parking Rules Enhance Safety and Accessibility in Sunnyside

San Francisco’s streets are getting a major makeover with the implementation of new parking rules aimed at improving safety and accessibility for both pedestrians and drivers. The latest regulations cover a range of crucial aspects, including sidewalk parking, daylighting, and the installation of speed cameras on Monterey Boulevard.

Sidewalk Parking Ban to be Enforced

One of the significant changes taking effect is the renewed enforcement of the ban on sidewalk parking. This move is poised to create clearer pathways for pedestrians and ensure that sidewalks are utilized for their intended purpose. This includes that part of your driveway that traverses the sidewalk. Tickets will run you $110.00.


In addition to the sidewalk parking ban, the concept of daylighting is being prioritized in the city’s efforts to revamp its streets. Daylighting involves keeping the area within twenty feet (or one car length) from the corner free from parked cars, thereby improving visibility for both pedestrians and drivers. By implementing this strategy, San Francisco is taking proactive steps to reduce the risk of collisions and enhance overall safety at street crossings. Violators will get a warning this year and fines will begin in 2025.

Speed Enforcement Cameras

Watch your speed! The introduction of speed cameras on Monterey Boulevard near Edna and Ocean Ave near Frida Kahlo Ave marks a significant step towards promoting responsible driving behavior. These cameras are designed to monitor vehicle speeds, encouraging compliance with designated speed limits and ultimately fostering a safer environment for all road users.

While these new parking rules add to the mounting inconveniences that drivers face every day, they create a more secure and navigable urban landscape. It’s all about prioritizing the well-being of our residents and visitors.

Have your say: Environmental study for Balboa Reservoir housing project

Next Tuesday Oct 30, there is a public meeting to discuss what options are to be studied in the environmental impact review (EIR) process for the Balboa Reservoir housing project. Nothing can be built in future that wasn’t studied now, so the scope of the review is critical. Below is a brief summary of the options and variants that are currently planned for study. (Details on how to comment at the end of this post.)

Slide from Oct 15 BR Community Advisory Committee (BRCAC) public meeting. View entire presentation here. 

Here is the 26-page document that describes the scope.  Continue reading “Have your say: Environmental study for Balboa Reservoir housing project”

Sunnyside “Walk Score” rating improved

Recently WalkScore, which is part of Redfin real estate group, upped its score of walkability in Sunnyside, boosting its rank to 76th most walkable neighborhood in the city (out of 110). Read more here on Hoodline. See full ranking list here (page down).

Screenshot from Hoodline article.

Continue reading “Sunnyside “Walk Score” rating improved”