Covid-era District 7 Participatory Budgeting now open

From District 7 Supervisor Myrna Melgar:

Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process in which community members propose projects and collectively decide how to spend part of a public budget. Former Supervisor Norman Yee launched the Participatory Budget initiative in 2013 and funded over 120 projects within District 7. Supervisor Melgar is committed to continuing to build strong communities and increasing civic participation through this initiative. We appreciate how engaged and invested District 7 residents have been in improving our neighborhoods and increasing quality of life for all who live and visit our District.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing efforts to recover and reopen our city, we are unable to engage in the traditional PB process during this budget cycle.

This year, in our commitment to honor the intent of PB and remain responsive to community needs and interest, we are launching a one-time Community Grants Initiative to support ongoing recovery and resiliency efforts under previous or existing PB projects that have successfully been through the community vetting process. We will not be able to accept new applicants for these grants due to the shortened selection process. We look forward to engaging in the full Participatory Budgeting process later this year as we plan for the next Budget cycle.


Grants awarded will range from $10,000 to a maximum of $25,000. A total of $250,000 will be awarded collectively under this Community Grants Initiative.

Continue reading “Covid-era District 7 Participatory Budgeting now open”

District 7 Participatory Budgeting 2020: Voting now open!

[Voting now closed.]

Previously delayed by the Covid-19 crisis, Supervisor Yee’s office has now opened the voting period for the 2020 Participatory Budgeting ballot of proposed projects. Vote here until July 17th:

This year’s ballot is long and full of worthy ideas. Highlighted below are the projects that impact Sunnyside or adjacent areas, by category:

Pedestrian Safety >

  • Traffic Calming at Monterey:  This project seeks funding to implement various traffic calming measures at East bound Monterey Boulevard. The project will install measures that will slow down traffic and protect many commuters on the 23 and 43 bus lines. [Editor’s note: We’ve been told this project is focused on the section of Monterey between Plymouth and Yerba Buena, and will involve traffic calming and signage improvements for better pedestrian safety.]
  • Ocean Avenue Crosswalk Safety Project: This project aims to make Ocean Avenue safer for pedestrians through improving three intersections on Ocean Avenue, located at Geneva-Frida Kahlo, Granada, and Miramar Avenues. The east-west crosswalks across each cross-street would be painted with unique designs to make the crosswalks more visible to drivers passing through the intersections, and landscaping would be installed as appropriate.

Culture >

  • Art for Ocean Avenue: This proposal is to beautify Ocean between 19th and Junipero Serra with art to make the street more welcoming to current and new shoppers, businesses, and residents. The funding will paint new murals alongside the M Muni line and on the large Junipero Serra bus stop. Similar murals on Ocean have already successfully eliminated unsightly graffiti. These new murals will be enjoyed for decades by the entire community. The beautification will benefit pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, Muni passengers, residents, and businesses along this busy District 7 corridor.
  • Ocean Avenue Public Posts: The Ocean Avenue Public Post project repurposes four utility poles adorned with artist-crafted neighborhood branding that will be installed at key locations where individuals and organizations can freely post informational flyers and notices.

School, Education, & Youth >

  • Aptos Middle – Shared Schoolyards Upper and Lower Play Yards Upgrade: This project will significantly upgrade the Aptos Middle School upper and lower play yards, which is used by 1000 students each day and by community members on weekends through Aptos’ designation as a Shared Schoolyard. The project will provide new backstops, rims, and nets for 2 basketball courts; new bench and table seating for school lunch time and community activities; creating a mini skate park; installing a traversing boulder; and installing hydration stations and new debris container to improve usability of the space.

Activate Play Space >

  • Wilderness in the Neighborhood – Sunnyside Park: Children love climbing Sunnyside Park’s hillsides. However, excessive trampling on the field level slope has causes soil erosion, plant destruction, and instability to historic trees. This proposal seeks to begin a process of transforming this long and steep slope into a place where children can satisfy their unstoppable curiosity to explore, while also conserving the natural landscape. Steps will grant access to a landing which guides kids to follow a meandering trail around mysterious bends. Parents will welcome knowing their kids are safe from sliding over the retaining walls, and Nature lovers will appreciate that ecological resources are being protected.

Deadline Approaching for D7 Participatory Budgeting Proposals

Participatory Budgeting is a City-funding innovation that D7 Supervisor Norman Yee has made available to district residents for seven years running now. Sunnyside residents have won proposals over years, bringing money for local projects and pedestrian safety improvements. 

Proposals are now being accepted for Supervisor Yee’s 7th year of Participatory Budgeting! Apply now through January 6th. Anyone who lives, works, or plays in District 7 may apply. Feel free to share with your family, friends, neighbors and your networks.

Don’t miss out and submit a proposal on how to allocate $600,000 in your District 7 neighborhoods. Apply online through the link below.  Or use this Word document version of the proposal application.

For more information: District 7 Participatory Budgeting

Apply now through January 6th: 

Thank you for your interest in Participatory Budgeting and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime.

Erica Maybaum, Legislative Aide Office of Supervisor Norman Yee  Continue reading “Deadline Approaching for D7 Participatory Budgeting Proposals”

Nov 6: D7 Participatory Budgeting Season Kick-off!

President Yee’s District 7 Participatory Budgeting is about to enter its seventh season. This exciting annual grass-roots project funds local residents’ ideas for improving their neighborhoods. You are invited to participate! Learn how at the kickoff on Wednesday Nov 6th at Midtown Terrace Clubhouse (6:30-7:30 PM). Because of local residents’ efforts, Sunnyside has benefited in several previous rounds of funding. Read more.


Monday May 6: SNA Quarterly Meeting

You are invited: the quarterly meeting of the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association is next Monday, May 6th. Open to all residents. Agenda below.  7-8:30 pm, at Sunnyside Conservatory, 236 Monterey Blvd. 


The speakers and subjects will include:

  • Justin Hu-Nguyen, Community Affairs Coordinator from Lyft / FordGoBike program: on Sunnyside’s coming bike-share stations. Bring your questions and concerns.
  • Steve Kech, Public Relations Officer at the SFPUC on CleanPowerSF: to answer your questions about the new energy program.
  • Participatory Budget Update: Hear about Sunnyside’s four winning proposals, including the Detroit Steps Project, with Erica Maybaum, aide to Supervisor Yee.
  • Balboa Reservoir Project Update: from the BR Committee.
  • Ben Matranga: on Resilient West Portal program.
  • The usual raffle.

Time to join or renew your membership? You can pay dues at the meeting, or click ‘Donate’ button below.

Continue reading “Monday May 6: SNA Quarterly Meeting”