Feb 7: SNA Quarterly Meeting

You are invited to Sunnyside Neighborhood Association’s February 2022 Quarterly Meeting.

Monday February 7th, 2022, 6:30 to 8:00 PM via Zoom. Link at the bottom of this post.

On the agenda: Update from President Ken Hollenbeck on the new trees for Sunnyside. Adrian Leung, Bikeshare & Bike Parking Program Manager, SFMTA, will speak about possible locations for third bike-share station in Sunnyside (more below). The Detroit Steps Project team will report the latest news on the Steps. Then SNA will hold its biennial election (details below). Meeting ends with the our customary raffle. Meeting slides here (PDF 16mb)

Continue reading “Feb 7: SNA Quarterly Meeting”

Third bike-share station proposed for Sunnyside

One item on the agenda of the upcoming SFMTA Engineering Public Hearing on Dec 17, 2021, is a third Baywheels bike-share station for Sunnyside, to be located on Circular Avenue at Baden Street. The public is welcome at the meeting. More here including how to attend.

Screen shot from agenda for Dec 17,2021, MSFMTA hearing. https://www.sfmta.com/sites/default/files/reports-and-documents/2021/12/ph_12_17_2021_final.pdf
Screen shot from agenda for SFMTA hearing on Dec 17, 2021. Full agenda: https://www.sfmta.com/sites/default/files/reports-and-documents/2021/12/ph_12_17_2021_final.pdf
Diagram provided by SFMTA showing location of proposed bike-share station on Circular Ave. at Baden St.
Diagram provided by SFMTA showing location of proposed bike-share station on Circular Ave. at Baden St.
Google streetview image with approximate location of proposed bike-share station at Circular Ave. and Baden St. marked.
Google street view image with approximate location of proposed bike-share station at Circular Ave. and Baden St. marked.

ConnectSF Workshops: Help Improve Our Transit Future

From ConnectSF, ‘a multi-agency collaborative process to build an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system for San Francisco’s future.’ More here.

What should transportation in San Francisco look like in 30 years?

Live, work, or spend time in San Francisco? Join San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (Muni), San Francisco Planning, and San Francisco County Transportation Authority at one of their upcoming hands-on ConnectSF public workshops. Your input will be critical in helping the City identify project and policy ideas as we look to build a transportation system that will best serve San Francisco in the future.

Workshop 1:
Saturday, February 8 from 2-4PM | Park Branch Library Community Room, 1833 Page Street, San Francisco (RSVP here!)

Workshop 2:
Thursday, February 13 from 6-8PM | Mission Cultural Center, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco (RSVP here!)

Both workshops will cover the same topics. Continue reading “ConnectSF Workshops: Help Improve Our Transit Future”

New bike-share stations proposed for Frida Kahlo Way

On December 6th, SFMTA will consider three new Bay Wheels bike-share stations that are near (but not in) Sunnyside, two on Frida Kahlo Way to serve City College and the coming Balboa Reservoir housing development and one on San Jose Avenue at Santa Rosa. Full agenda here.

UPDATE Dec 2019: The San Jose Ave station was rejected due to conflicts with Muni. The two CCSF stations were accepted.


Map showing two proposed City College Bay Wheels bike share stations o Frida Kahlo Way. Meeting December 6th 2019. Courtesy Bay Wheels.
Map showing two proposed City College Bay Wheels bike share stations o Frida Kahlo Way. Meeting December 6th 2019. Blue teardrop indicates the station already installed on Judson. Courtesy Bay Wheels.

Sunnyside By Wheels Stations ready to roll

After installation on Tuesday, and the arrival of the bikes soon after, the new Bay Wheels bike-share stations at Gennessee/Monterey and Judson/Gennessee are fully stocked and ready to go.

GoBike Station, Gennessee St. at Monterey Blvd, Sunnyside. Photo: Kenneth Hollenbeck
Bay Wheels Station, Gennessee St. at Monterey Blvd, Sunnyside. Photo: Kenneth Hollenbeck

Learn more about the program here. Once set up, Clipper Card is one way to use the system.