Slow Streets for Hearst Ave. due to arrive next week

From SFMTA, an update about the long-awaited Slow Streets program for Hearst Avenue.

SFMTA will implement a Slow Street in your neighborhood next week. Hearst Avenue between Ridgewood Avenue and Baden Street was approved by the SFMTA Board to become a Slow Street back in Spring 2021. Due to a material shortage, the implementation of Lyon Street as a Slow Street had to be delayed until now.

The Slow Streets program aims to create pedestrian and bicycle priority streets that are calmer and allow for shared roadway usage between people walking, biking, rolling, exercising, or driving. The shared roadway facility is created by discouraging vehicle through traffic and encouraging slower vehicle speeds using traffic diverters and signage.

Slow Streets are not full street closures and local vehicle traffic, delivery/mail services, and emergency responders can still access the Slow Street.

Additionally, although Slow Streets are pedestrian and bicycle priority streets, pedestrians and bicyclists utilizing the Slow Street must yield the road to oncoming vehicles.

Please help inform community members in your neighborhood through your communication channels about the implementation of the Hearst Slow Street happening by the end of next week. I’ve attached a flyer for your reference that you can include in any messaging to inform community members.

For more information on the Slow Streets Program visit If you have any questions, please email us directly at

Thank you!

Brian Liang
Transportation Planner
Livable Streets | Streets Division

Locally, the organizers of Slow Hearst, a group formed to support the program here, will be putting on a celebratory event to welcome the change, next month in August (date TBD). If you’d like a sign to support the program (image below) email SNA at

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