Deadline Approaching for D7 Participatory Budgeting Proposals

Participatory Budgeting is a City-funding innovation that D7 Supervisor Norman Yee has made available to district residents for seven years running now. Sunnyside residents have won proposals over years, bringing money for local projects and pedestrian safety improvements. 

Proposals are now being accepted for Supervisor Yee’s 7th year of Participatory Budgeting! Apply now through January 6th. Anyone who lives, works, or plays in District 7 may apply. Feel free to share with your family, friends, neighbors and your networks.

Don’t miss out and submit a proposal on how to allocate $600,000 in your District 7 neighborhoods. Apply online through the link below.  Or use this Word document version of the proposal application.

For more information: District 7 Participatory Budgeting

Apply now through January 6th: 

Thank you for your interest in Participatory Budgeting and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime.

Erica Maybaum, Legislative Aide Office of Supervisor Norman Yee 


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