Sunnyside “Walk Score” rating improved

Recently WalkScore, which is part of Redfin real estate group, upped its score of walkability in Sunnyside, boosting its rank to 76th most walkable neighborhood in the city (out of 110). Read more here on Hoodline. See full ranking list here (page down).

Screenshot from Hoodline article.

How are the scores produced? “They’re based on walking distance to amenities across seven broad categories — dining and drinking, groceries, shopping, errands, parks, schools, and culture and entertainment. Each category is weighted differently, and the company also looks at average walk length and intersection density, to calculate pedestrian-friendliness.”

There are also plenty of links to real estate listings on Sunnyside’s WalkScore page The Hoodline article text mentions major building developments, although Balboa Reservoir housing project is many years away from actually having apartments for rent.

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