New: Sunnyside after-school program at Clubhouse

UPDATE Aug 30): This program is now full, but they are still accepting people for the waiting list, so you are encouraged to apply.

Thanks to behind-the-scenes work by Supervisor Yee and the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association, SF Recreation and Parks Dept is now starting up an after-school program at the Sunnyside Playground Clubhouse. The price is affordable with scholarships available.

To register:  > search SUNNYSIDE > page down when you get Activity Search page to “Sunnyside After School Program”

Sunnyside ASP Flyer_2018_08_24.jpg

A minimum number of Sunnyside ES students are needed for a school pickup (walking bus).

One thought on “New: Sunnyside after-school program at Clubhouse

  1. Pingback: Tennis lessons anyone? Now offered at Sunnyside Playground courts | Sunnyside Neighborhood Association

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